There are moments in history that have galvanized our
country as one. Pearl Harbor. JFK. Challenger.
9/11. Oklahoma City. Katrina. Columbine and Sandy Hook. The Boston Marathon bombing. So many tragedies where countless lives have
been lost, and in our darkest hour, we turned to each other. WE prayed at vigils. WE mourned the losses. WE cried countless tears. WE sang our anthem in unison. WE were the UNITED States of America in all
of it’s Glory.
So must WE be again.
This election has brought out the worst in us. WE have brought 2 of the worst possible
candidates to the forefront of this precedent setting decision. At no time more than the present have we
needed a strong leader for our country.
We have an image that has tarnished over the past 2 decades, and our strength
as the world’s economic leader has long since faded. We do not command the
respect we once did, and for a country as proud as the USA, that is a
shame. Our duty was to bring someone to
the table that would be able to restore our status, and both parties have
fallen quite short.
That ship has sailed though, so now we must decide. I know who I am voting for, and post-election,
I know the only person whom I will support.
They just might be 2 different people.
I will perform my civic duty and vote, and I hope my candidate
wins. However, if they do not, I STILL
pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America, and to the
Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty
and justice for all. Whomever wins,
well, they’re the President – MY President.
I will expect them to uphold our constitution, and to represent our
country in the way we should be represented, and in turn, I will pledge my
support to our country as I always have.
I will also continue to try and make my community
better. Let’s face it, that’s where it
all begins anyways. WE have the power to
affect change in our daily lives. WE
have the power to send a message to all of our elected officials that they are
our hired help, tasked with managing the day-to-day steps of running our City,
County, and State. Our only escape is to
not let our politicians define us, our task is to outline, with excruciating
clarity, the very meaning of what our leaders should be, how they act, demand
their performance, and to act swiftly if those conditions are not met. WE have to stand together to make our lives
enriched, and hold our elected officials accountable when they fail, but
conversely, and as equally important, support them when they follow through
with their challenges.
Most important though is how we treat each other, and during
this process we have failed there as well.
Gone is the solidarity exhibited during raucous renditions of the Star
Spangled Banner sang when WE were down. When
WE were attacked, when tragedy struck, WE picked ourselves up and raised our spirits
because WE were in this together.
These attacks are different.
They are not from an inside source – the attackers are us. Family and friends, classmates and
co-workers, acquaintances and strangers, every one of us has an opinion and
most of us are not only willing to share, but to question the other’s
patriotism and worse, their intelligence.
WE are at each other’s throats.
WE assign blame to the other party, and we ridicule their aptitude. “How can you possibly vote for THAT candidate –
what are you – stupid?” WE talk to each
other in ways WE would not allow our children to speak. WE are supposed to be the example of how to
act, and yet, WE have failed there too.
But it is not too late.
Tomorrow night, WE should have some clarity on whom our next
President will be. It will be a close
vote. Many of us will not be happy. But
one thing will be certain, and that is the American voter will have spoken. WE have the opportunity to take a deep breath,
accept the result, and rebuild our faith in each other. Our only hope is to not
turn on each other as we did during the last year. WE must come together as we have before, but
stronger than ever. WE must replace the
passion for our candidate with a passion for our fellow man and country, and WE
must pledge our allegiance to our country and its new leader. If we continue the infighting and erode away
the foundation of our country’s strength, no President will be able to lead us to
WE begins with me.
And You. And my neighbors and
yours. Let’s find our passion for our Country,
our State, our City, and most importantly, with each other. To be aWEsome again, WE have to be right in
the middle of it. WE have to stop
pointing a finger and start lifting one.
WE are the answer. I’m in. I hope you are too.