It was 1984, and something magical happened. Something came
about that changed the way everyone looked at things from one moment to the
next. Perceptions were altered, and the metamorphosis was riveting.
That’s right - Transformers were born in 1984. Is it a
robot, or is it a truck? Oh
hell no – it’s both? I know! You too were spellbound!
Of course, as usual, I wasn’t paying attention. The yellow
robot is a Camaro? Yeah, totally missed that. I was too busy being in a
transformation myself.
I was falling in love. Hard.
June 1st, 1984 was the first time we spent any
time together. Sure, we met on the street nearly 15 months earlier with and
handshake and a kiss, but I went on my merry inebriated way and finished off my
21st birthday face down in on a throw rug somewhere I’m sure. This
night was different though, and fate pushed our paths together again.
I was paying attention this time.
When each of our dates showed up with someone else, we laughed
it off and asked each other “what were the chances of that actually happening”?
We talked a lot that night – until 6 AM in fact. I’m sure that made a great
first impression on your folks. Apparently I didn’t make them too mad, because
I was welcomed to the family fairly quickly…just not that first night.
More importantly, I must have done something right in your
eyes because I was welcomed into your heart. We were pretty much inseparable that
Summer and Fall, and after a short courtship, you agreed to be my bride. On
December 15th, 1984 we said “I do” in front of God, family, and
And I still do.
I still love your smile, and your laugh takes any tension the day has produced and brushes it aside with ease. We have our challenges and yet we meet them head on, knowing we are stronger together to triumph over all obstacles. Our dreams never die, our hopes always flourish, and our love never fails.
I still love your smile, and your laugh takes any tension the day has produced and brushes it aside with ease. We have our challenges and yet we meet them head on, knowing we are stronger together to triumph over all obstacles. Our dreams never die, our hopes always flourish, and our love never fails.
I am who I am today because of the transformation I made
after meeting you. I wanted to be a person someone wanted for themselves. The
fact that it was you that wanted me became my inspiration to try and become the
best version of myself. I’m still a work in progress, but if you’ll give me
another 35 years, I promise I’ll get there someday. In the meantime, you
get a soul that is totally devoted to you and our family, and a heart that will
go on loving you forever.
Thank you for 35 glorious years – I am truly blessed. Now
and forever, I love you Marcia.
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